Greetings Alumni, 

My name is Niteesh Sirimilla and I am the Chapter Editor of the Mu Alpha Chapter of Sigma Chi here at UNC Charlotte. As last year came to a close, the 37 remaining undergraduate brothers of Mu Alpha came together with a set goal of bettering the chapter and our community in every aspect- seeing as we would be making a return to campus in the fall.

To say the least, this year has started out with a bang. With all our active members working hard to contribute to the chapter, it gave us the opportunity to bring in a rush class of twenty-two men who uphold the Jordan Standard to its fullest. Udit Patel, our recruitment chair, worked extremely hard to network with people on campus and set up events for our recruitment. Events ranged from Saturday Night football with the brothers, Taco Tuesday with our beautiful sweethearts, and gentlemen’s night which concluded with our formal dinner with our alumni. We had a great showing at every event and we want to thank the brothers who participated. 

Getting to know these men during their pledging process solidified the chapter’s thoughts as a whole that after initiation they would put in the utmost effort to the betterment of the chapter and community as a whole. The Sigma class was officially initiated on October 9th, 2021. We are very excited to officially welcome these gentlemen as brothers to the Mu Alpha chapter!

Post Mu Alpha initiation, the excitement kept building as we were selected to be the installing chapter of UNC Wilmington. After years of hard work by the brothers of Mu Kappa at UNCW, it is an honor to welcome the newest chapter of Sigma Chi. It was a weekend to remember and we were honored to be part of the process. A huge thank you and congratulations goes out from the brothers of Mu Alpha to Mu Kappa!

As of right now, with the addition of 22 new brothers in the chapter (total number of active members is now 62) our focus is mainly on philanthropy and community service. Our philanthropy chair, Joe Cappelman, has been working diligently to organize events to raise money for Huntsman Cancer Institute. We are looking forward to a productive and successful week with many donations towards Huntsman.

For fundraising, we are partnering with the Carolina Panthers and Charlotte Hornets to volunteer at the home games. For community service, we have also been doing campus clean-ups throughout the semester and many of the brothers are also going to be volunteering at the Jamil Niner Food Pantry. 

We have teams for intramural soccer right now and the boys have been crushing it! We also have intramural football coming up and I believe that we will secure a back to back championship so we are very excited for that. Let’s bring that trophy home boys!

To summarize, the brothers of Mu alpha have been working hand in hand to do their part and keep each other accountable. We are having an exceptional semester and we expect it to only go up. #AllGasNoBrakes